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1972 Tokaji Aszú 6 puttonyos

Tokaji Aszú 6 puttonyos
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Ihr Preis:250.00 €
(500.00 €/l) inkl. 0% MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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Jahrgang: 1972
Standort: Tolcsva
Fasslagerung (Jahre): 21
Alkoholgehalt: 12.5 % vol
Restzuckergehalt: 164 g/l
Säuregehalt: 7.6 g/l
Zuckerfreier Extrakt: 52.6 g/l
Inhalt: 0.5 l

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"Gaumen: Dicht, fett, vollmundig, optimale Säure. Nach 60 Minuten im Glas immer besser. 18.5/20 Punkte."
Sigi Hiss, Weinautor, tokaji.ch (1997)

"Complex, layered with dried mango and sweet floral notes. Elegant and beautiful to enjoy now. 95 points."
Jeannie Cho Lee, asianpalate.com (07/2014)

"This bottle was everything one should look for in a mature Tokay. Extremely concentrated, deep and rich, sweet yet with enough (citric) acidity to make it feel fresh. Superb!!! Buy more? Yes. 18/20; Outstanding."
Yak Shaya's Wine Pages, www.yakshaya.com (1998)

"An old-style Aszú, but delicious and creamy. Dark amber color and mature character. Attractively ripe and rich with very sweet raisin and dried apricot flavors and a velvety finish."
Wine Spectator (09/95)

"Aromas of caramel, old Calvados and furniture polish. Very creamy in the mouth, with flavours of caramelised apple and baked apricot. As with the 81, this finishes with surprising freshness and cut. Fresh citrus and caramelised pitted fruits in the finish."
One Star; "Especially Successful"
Stephen Tanzer's International Wine Cellar (1998)

"21 Jahre im Fass. 1993 abgefüllt. Bernsteinfarben. In der Nase Malzbonbon, Möbelpolitur, Karamell, geräuchertes Heu, Lanolin, Orangenschale, sehr komplex und tief. Im Mund viel Säure, gute Frische, wieder Orangenschale, ganz leicht bitter im Mittelteil, nicht sehr süß. Im Abgang dann Tarte au Citron und phänomenale Frische. Groß."
94/100 Punkte

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