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1993 Tokaji Aszú 6 puttonyos

Tokaji Aszú 6 puttonyos
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Ihr Preis:155.00 €
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Jahrgang: 1993
Standort: Mezözombor
Lage: Disznókö (1st Class Growth)
Rebsorten: Furmint 60 %. Hárslevelű 30%. Zéta 10 %
Alkoholgehalt: 12 % vol
Restzuckergehalt: 155 g/l
Säuregehalt: 10.5 g/l
Inhalt: 0.5 l

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Challenge International du Vin, Bordeaux/France 1997

"Bernsteinfarben. Dicht und reich nuancierte Aromatik. Suggestive Süße, sehr konzentriert. Noten nach Honig, Apfel, getrockneten Aprikosen,
Kokosnuß, Vanille, Rostaromen. Verführerische Süße mit Hauch sanfter Bitternote."

"Edelsüße Weine", August F. Winkler, Umschau Verlag 2011

"Tiefe Bernsteinfarbe. Mittlere Intensität, entwickelt sich. Üppig, mittlere Säure, Trockenfrüchte (Rosine, Feige, Aprikose, Trockenpflaume, Dattel), Erdbeermarmelade, Minze, Karamell, Tabakblätter, Walnuss, herzhaft-fleischige Noten. Komplex, harmonisch und langer Abgang, hervorragend!"
winecharms-isabel.blogspot.com (September 2010)

"... Nach Luftkontakt wandelte sich alles in eine medizinisch-kräuterige Richtung, Fenchel, Salbei, neben Rosinen und den obligatorischen Boitrytis-Aromen. Wirkte dann am Gaumen wesentlich konzentrierter, alles sammelte sich um einen engen, kompakten Malz-Kern, daneben recht ausgeprägte Säuren, Eukalyptusbonbon. Voll, gehaltreich, schön."

"The 1993 Tokaji Aszu 6-Puttonyos is a blend of 60% Furmint, 30% Harslevelu and 10% Zeta, the aszu added to the fermenting must and macerated for 60 hours before aging for three years in barrel. It has a deep amber color with a green tinge on the rim. The bouquet is very powerful, with marmalade, dried apricot, allspice, touches of wild mushroom and caramelized pear. The palate is medium-bodied with a viscous opening. Well-balanced with very fine acidity, it remains youthful and very harmonious with a complex finish offering notes of marmalade, dried quince and a touch of truffle. Divine. Drink now-2035+."
95 Points
eRobertParker (Neal Martin)

"Burnished gold to tawny, with loads of mushroom and truffle Botrytis, and the caramel richness backing it up, but has a dry essence and smoky minerality. Little vegetal notes of age just add an intriguing note. The palate has loads of earthiness and smokiness, some toffee and chocolate depths to this, a touch of wild mint and balsamic richness, with delightful acidity still: fabulous sweetness, and a terrific core of acid in a most complex picture. And despite the tertiary development, seems very young and hugely tight in the finish."
97 Points
Tom Cannavan
wine-pages.com (2011)

"This luscious, honeyed wine is jampacked with flavors of apricot, peach, spices, honey and caramel. The other new-style Tokays are encouraging signs, but this is a complex, layered, fully realized nectar that proves post-Communist Hungary is on its way back as a wine-producing nation."
The Baltimore Sun, baltimoresun.com (August 1997)

"Back to the ancient days ... I do not know much about this vintage, except for often hearing how remarkable it was. Much more aszús wines were probably made in the oldschool oxidative style in those days, as I recall an old Szepsy, but Disznókö might have been an exception back then. The wine looks actually younger than the Szepsy 1999, showing a light amber colour, and deep intense notes of botrytis: overripe quince, old, dried apricot jam and marmalade, green herbs, and a light touch of animality. Still not an old wine, lively acids in the mouth, but in a smooth and well integrated way ... A beautiful, enjoyable mature wine, also at around."
94-95 Points

"Amber with golden-orange hue. Rich, intense, slightly nutty, raisins, deep flavours, complex nose. Fresh acidity, rich, intense, almost smoky note, raisins ..."
94 Points
Christer Byklum
mywinesandmore.blogspot.fr (October 2013)

"Medium deep-brandy colour, red brown, rust. Medium nose of toast, oak, honey, some distant fruit notes. Medium sweet, medium acidity, sweet spice, gingerbread, smoky, peaches fruit notes giving way to tertiary flavours. Never heavy on the palate, yet full body with long, lasting evolving finish. Beautifully aged great wine."
92 Points
Disznókö Tokaji wine tasting dinner (Dewa bateau, Jebel Ali Resort, 2011)
cellartracker.com (Aug 2011)

"Lots of nail polish on the nose. Crushing acidity, and a little unwieldy with an odd note of ashy mineral at first. However, I let a glass sit for an hour, and the wine really came into focus and became much more balanced. This is unctuously thick with tart flavors behind a wall of tangy sugar. Tokaji is strange and interesting nectar!"
Chef's Dinner at Joe Grabow's (Sammamish, WA, USA, 2004)
cellartracker.com (Aug 2011)


... liegt an der Südseite eines Perlithügels mit offenen Flächen nach Westen und Osten und wurde einst unter den acht bekanntesten „Dülös“ von Hegyalja geführt. Disznókö bedeutet „Schweinstein“ und bezieht sich auf einen großen Felsstein, der einem Wildschwein ähnelt. Während der K.u.K.-Zeit war Graf Menyhért Lónyay, ab 1867 ungarischer Ministerpräsident und ab 1870 K.u.K.-Finanzminister, ein berühmter Besitzer dieses Weinbergs. Auch Erzherzog Joseph von Österreich (1776-1847) besaß Lots auf diesem Weinberg. Heute befindet sich dieser herausragendste Weinberg von Mezözombor ausschließlich im Besitz des bekannten Weinguts Disznókö. Im alten Presshaus „Sarga Borház“ befinden sich heute ein Restaurant und das Besucherzentrum des Weinguts.

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